Sunday, October 6, 2013

The ever so slightly more serious follow-up blog

Good morning dear SW readers!

I pinged awake at stupid o clock this morning, considering it's a Sunday, but I just couldn't get back off to sleep, hence I was up and about putting in a load of washing at 6.15am.  I feel a bit like this today:

Why I can't ping awake at a similar time during the working week is beyond me.  I usually have to peel myself off the sheets............

Anyway, after my totally non-food-based and rather frivolous blog yesterday, I thought I'd run through a few bits and bobs that passed my lips yesterday.  Rest assured it is all related to food, despite a smut-filled conversation on the Big Purple Bus last night about meaty sausages and all things related (you get the picture) which was very amusing!

Soooooooo, breakfast/brunch was one of my favourites, a SW cooked breakfast, which I adore. Depending what my HEX plans for the day are, I sometimes have bread, sometimes not, but yesterday 2 rounds of toast (no butter) were definitely on the menu, as well as half a tin of Sainsbugs veggie ravioli (1 syn), eggs, beans and 3 quorn sausages (1 syn each).  Totally delicious!

My lovely other half Steve and I went out for a stroll around the shops in the afternoon and I got peckish, so I bought a small pack of cooked chicken and a bottle of water (good ain't I?) whilst Steve wolfed down 2 large size Snickers bars and a bottle of fully leaded Coke. And I even managed to peruse a farmers market and not partake of any cheese or pie samples, despite them calling to me.

My belly thought my throat had been cut when we got home, so I had a Piri Piri Mugshot to tide me over (free) whilst we tackled a mountain of washing up and then started cooking tea: creamy tarragon chicken pasta, with garlic and spinach. It's SOOOOO delicious! Definitely one of my favourite meals ever. I always make lots of  inappropriate Loyd Grossman-eque noises while I'm eating it, mmmmmmmmmm, aaaaaaaahhhhhh, oooooooooohhhhhhhhhh.  There was very little ruminating and cogitating, but certainly plenty of digesting going on.

Talking of Loyd Grossman, I found a saucy little picture which I thought you ladies might appreciate. I'm sure you'll agree, he's really working the "wedged in a bookshelf" look. 

After that pic sensation, I'll just give you a minute to calm yourselves before I present the pic of my pasta.......

It's as pretty as pasta with sauce slopped over can be, but believe me it tastes amazing and I highly recommend it. The sauce is made with chicken stock and a HEX of Philadelphia light. 

I also made some paprika wedges to snack on during the evening, because it was Saturday night and yummy SW snacks are essential! I prefer to half-cook whole potatoes in the microwave (no peeling), then slice into chunks, season with salt/pepper/paprika/smoked paprika, spray lots with Frylight, then oven bake for about 35 mins til crispy. I find it's much less faff and mess than par-boiling.

I'm going to try making Homity Pie for tonight's tea (with obligatory chicken and veg to accompany) I've got the recipe from the Autumn recipes booklet that came with the latest SW magazine. I'm confident it's going to be gorgeous as it's basically cheesey mash..........what's not to like?? 

I'm off for my morning ablutions now, dear readers. So TTFN and enjoy another lovely day on SW!



  1. your potatoes look lovely, I might have to give them a try :)

    1. I do love my wedges and they are so easy. They're Steve's favourite too, so we have them at least 3 times a week - a cupboard full of potatoes is a happy cupboard in our house!
