Saturday, October 5, 2013

Pow! Bop! Thwap!

Take that, you odious stone of flab!

Holy smokes Batman, I've officially lost 2 ¾ pounds this week, making a grand total of 15 ¾ pounds over the last 7 weeks following the Slimming World plan.     KER-POWWW!!!!! 

AND........holy priceless collection of Etruscan snoods Batman, I've also dropped down into the next stone bracket!!!

Great work Robin. I've always believed, as the campest Batman ever, we must all be vigilant fighters of fat. Especially as I have to wear a leotard in public.

If I put on a few pounds, I have to stand like this to look good........SHHLLOOOOOPPPPP (sucks in gut).  No-one should ever have to stand like this Robin.   It looks ridiculous.

I'm pretty sure that the secret to my weight loss this week has been preparation and planning, knowing what I'm cooking for lunch and tea and having essential snackage in between of firstly superfree foods and then free foods.   

 As the dynamic duo so eloquently put it:

Robin: "Where'd you get a live fish, Batman?"
Batman: "The true crime (fat) -fighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin."

(Disclaimer: This blog does not support weight loss by stuffing a fish into your pants)

TTFN lovely readers, I'm off for a Bat Cave breakfast!


1 comment:

  1. Love your blog and love your blogging style :) Well done on your weight loss and I do better when I plan too! I'm going to put your link on my blogroll :)
