Sunday, September 22, 2013

The first scary blog...

Oh my lord, I've no idea what I'm doing!! 

At this early juncture I'm referring to this blog and not the marvellous Slimming World eating plan which I've also embarked upon.

I have been enjoying reading so many blogs of late that I thought I'd give it a go myself, so here I find myself in the midst of unknown blogging territory.  This font has already changed twice without my permission, so I'm clearly pressing the wrong buttons!!  My aim is for this blog to morph over time into a thing of beauty and loveliness for all you beholders and for my rather overweight self to follow suit with the help of Slimming World.

As with all things new, I shall beg your indulgence, as, over the next few weeks I fanny about chopping and changing designs and working out how to insert pictures, links and skilling myself up to perform general blogging wizardry, as so many of you wonderful Slimming World bloggers already do.

I've a lot of weight to lose. Like 9 or 10 stones, so that's a big hunka-chunka weight sitting on these 40 year old bones of mine.  I'm not getting any younger (and my knees and back are already complaining) so I decided 5 weeks ago that it was time to get more healthy, shape up, lose weight, get fitter, slim down, shed the flab, tone up, improve my health, run up stairs without dying, raise my self esteem, buy fitted jeans, wear beautiful stockings and corsets and heels (oooh saucy!).............. the list goes on and on. 

What I am basically trying to say is that I'm aiming for every good thing that comes from losing weight and that, as we know, is a very long list of good things. EXCEEDINGLY good things!

So on that high note of optimism and excitement about a slimmer future, I shall say a fond farewell and TTFN.............those online masterclasses on how to design blogs won't play themselves!


1 comment:

  1. Cazza, im the same age and have roughly the same amount to lose as you. Good luck on your journey.
