Friday, September 27, 2013

The Inevitable gain blog

Ahhhhh, a gain had to happen at some point. At week 6 though?

One could be forgiven for shouting "EPIC FAIL"!!!

But not me today.

I was not expecting lose anything this week, as I've had 4 days out of 7 where I know my syns have exceeded 15.  So no Sherlock Holmes needed there! It's been a hungry week but I've gone a bit overboard and mega pigged out on free carbs, when I should have been snacking on superfree foods instead.

Take for example my lunch this week. I made a gorgeous yellow split pea soup which was really thick and filling as it had potato in it too, (as well as loads of veggies) but I thought why not make a ham pasta salad and take that for lunch's all free right??? So my lunch bag has been bulging full of all that delicious healthy stuff, plus fat free yoghurt and superfrees like blueberries, grapes and figs. After eating all my soup and pasta I didn't want any of my superfrees and I was waddling round full to the brim.  I've also had a few naughties like alcohol and too many oatcakes (oh oatcakes, how I love thee!)

So this gain has taught me a good lesson, not in portion control, because we don't have to do that with free/superfree on SW, but that it's all about balance.  Pasta and most carbs are fabulous and amazing and free,  but if I stuff my face with the equivalent of 2 lunches at once, so much so that I can't even face a portion of fruit and a yoghurt, something is definitely awry!

Example 2: My lovely tea the other night was home made chilli with kidney beans containing a tin of kidney beans and a tin of baked beans (divided between 2 of us), PLUS couscous, PLUS SW wedges, PLUS stir-fry veggies. Here's a pic.  That's a bowl by the way, not a plate, so there's an awful lot of food in there!

Of course I had to eat the lot because I'm me and my mouth just luuurrrves to chew (perhaps I was bovine or a camel in a previous life!).

I've still lost a total of 13 pounds in 6 weeks taking into account the gain (it was half a pound gain by the way, not a lot but it's still going in the wrong direction). However the good thing is that I've learned some lessons from this week and I'm back on track now, making an effort to choose superfree foods first, then moving onto the free stuff.  And I also know that I need stop eating when I am full, rather than stopping when I am about to burst and waddle. I'm pretty sure the geniuses at SW who devised this plan, didn't advocate waddling after any of their meals!

And there endeth the lesson for today, my lovely Slimming Worlders.  At some point in the near future I will tell you all a bit more about myself, as we all like a bit of an autobiography don't we, but  it's TTFN lovely readers.


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Musings on an early "fail" week

Hello my lovelies.......

Here I am writing another SW blog (I am rather keen!!)  but tonight's musings are based not on food, (well not solely on food) but more on our attitudes to ourselves and our overweight bodies. I've discovered from myself and my friends and interacting with the online overweight community, that we pretty much harbour hate towards ourselves whilst we are in our overweight state and that being slim equates with happiness.

I can't deny I've been in and out of that myself since I was about 10 years old (including skinny phases) and I battle with myself about my self worth solely based upon my body image.

First I'd like to say:


......I'm sure this is how a lot of you feel on a daily basis.

I do.

Marvellous!  :-)   Now that's out of our system, lets focus on ourselves. Our lovely selves.

We are lovely, we are unique, we are kind, decent people. Other people are not necessarily the same, people as a culture are unkind to those they find different or easy targets. We have to accept this, it's a fact of life. 

I'm not some do-gooder, tt's bloody hard when you get abuse, to not feel shitty about yourself. I recently went on a lovely holiday to Copenhagen and the Danish were disgracefully abusive to me, as it's a generally slim, stylish culture there. It ruined my holiday and destroyed my self esteem - I was scared to walk down the street without hiding behind my lovely boyfriend. So I am very familiar with feeling like a bag of crap because of the general public.

I can't deny this has fuelled my desire to lose weight, but I was losing weight before I went there and I refuse to lose weight under any pressure from anyone. I am me. I set my own goals. If those goals are not met, it's fine, I do not feel bad about myself, that is just life. I get back up and I start again.

What I am trying to say in my own way is that our journeys are based on ourselves and no-one else. Those twattish Danes who abused me can just eff off. I was upset at the time, but they have no influence on me now. I lose weight because I want to now. If I slip up, I just sort myself out and get back on plan when it suits me.

There is no "good" time to lose weight. It's a lifestyle.  SW is a fantastic lifestyle.  Added to that is your own self esteem and you need to love yourself and fuck everyone else who doesn't, quite frankley!!  It has taken me til now to realise that.  

Love you all! TTFN

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Second still quite scary blog!


I've been a lazy old moo and not watched any "how to" vids or websites which tell me how to bling up my blog. Naughty me. Note to self: don't make promises you can't keep.

But I'm a dieter aren't I? Don't we occasionally make promises we sometimes don't keep?? If you are like me, then you have made many dieting slimming promises for many many years and failed miserably. But that doesn't make me or you a bad person, it just shows that the best intentions often fall foul of life.

And unfortunately for us gorgeous ladies who could do with losing a few pounds, good food is really rather fabulous and I for one, like eating it, enjoying it, cooking it and surrounding myself with other people who also love it too. So this slimming malarkey is rather a hard one, I'm sure you'll agree.

But not impossible........... and that's where the fabulous Slimming World comes in.

I personally like eating yummy food when I am hungry (not just plain carrot sticks) and having a big fat (not fatty) plate of food in front of me for my main meal so my eyes are full as well as my belly.  Those of you on SW know that this is totally encouraged on SW and we still lose weight doing it!! It's quite frankly Mr Shankley, AMAZING!

Take my SW roasty dinner the other day........ (cue me trying to post a pic in the right place) it was mahoosive, yummily gorgeous and tasty and had everything on I could possible want and I was stuffed afterwards. SW roasties are the best they really are!

OMG that pic insert worked, I nearly fell off my chair.....Bazinga! (I am a bit of a nerd, so any nerds among you will get that)

Tonight's delights which await me as I type this (can you feel my typing getting more frantic?) are chilli con carne, couscous and SW wedges. I shall take a pic (hopefully sans pre-scoff dribble) and include it in my next blog.

Loving writing at the moment, I do hope this continues. I am ever inspired by current amazing SW bloggers and do hope you enjoy reading mine as it evolves.

Til next time, TTFN.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

The first scary blog...

Oh my lord, I've no idea what I'm doing!! 

At this early juncture I'm referring to this blog and not the marvellous Slimming World eating plan which I've also embarked upon.

I have been enjoying reading so many blogs of late that I thought I'd give it a go myself, so here I find myself in the midst of unknown blogging territory.  This font has already changed twice without my permission, so I'm clearly pressing the wrong buttons!!  My aim is for this blog to morph over time into a thing of beauty and loveliness for all you beholders and for my rather overweight self to follow suit with the help of Slimming World.

As with all things new, I shall beg your indulgence, as, over the next few weeks I fanny about chopping and changing designs and working out how to insert pictures, links and skilling myself up to perform general blogging wizardry, as so many of you wonderful Slimming World bloggers already do.

I've a lot of weight to lose. Like 9 or 10 stones, so that's a big hunka-chunka weight sitting on these 40 year old bones of mine.  I'm not getting any younger (and my knees and back are already complaining) so I decided 5 weeks ago that it was time to get more healthy, shape up, lose weight, get fitter, slim down, shed the flab, tone up, improve my health, run up stairs without dying, raise my self esteem, buy fitted jeans, wear beautiful stockings and corsets and heels (oooh saucy!).............. the list goes on and on. 

What I am basically trying to say is that I'm aiming for every good thing that comes from losing weight and that, as we know, is a very long list of good things. EXCEEDINGLY good things!

So on that high note of optimism and excitement about a slimmer future, I shall say a fond farewell and TTFN.............those online masterclasses on how to design blogs won't play themselves!
